
Music happens to me because you are part of it!

On Marta’s multi-instrumentalist and multi-genre stage, she embarks on a journey towards the musical horizons of Jazz, Blues, Folk – and all that lies beyond.

Listen to Marta’s songs on all your favourite streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud and Amazon Music.

“The self-titled musicista has brought us jazz that she plays, her Alentejo roots that she sings, and the stories that she tells (…)”

​- Lázaro Raposo, Meia de Rock and Açoriano Oriental, 2019

Marta Duarte d’Almeida

Listen to Marta’s songs on all your favourite streaming platforms!

Marta Duarte d’Almeida

Listen to Marta’s songs on all your favourite streaming platforms!

Where one show turns into a thousand